This version of the course is several years out of date and parts of it will not work - it is here just for the benefit of my 2022 dissertation students who want some grounding in Leaflet and associated technologies.

Week 7 Solution

NB: You need to set the API Key for OpenRouteService to run this example.

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
		<title>GIS and the Web</title>

		<!-- Load Leaflet -->
		<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
		<script src=""></script>


			/* Style the map */
			#map {
				/* This is the dimensions of the map on the screen, you can set it in
				 px (pixels) or % of the total screen size */
				width:  800px;
				height: 500px;

			/* Style the table */
			table {
				margin-top: 10px;
				font-family: sans-serif;
				min-width: 800px;

			/* Style the table header */
			th {
			  background-color: #000000;
			  color: white;
			  padding: 3px;

			/* Style the table cells */
			td {
			  padding: 3px;

			/* Style the table rows (only colours the even numbered rows in the table) */
			tr:nth-child(even) {
				background-color: #f2f2f2;

	<body onload='initMap()'>

		<!-- This is where the map will go -->
		<div id='map'></div>

		<!-- This is where the table of directions will go -->
		<div id='directions'></div>


			//setup global variables
			let map, start, end, routeLayer;

			 * Initialise the Map
			function initMap(){

				// creates a world map (centre where the equator crosses the GPM)
				map ='map').setView([0, 0], 1);

				// this adds the basemap tiles to the map
				L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
					attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors. Geocoding by <a href="">Nominatim</a>.Routing by <a href="">OpenRouteService</a>'

				// geocode start location
				makeRequest(getGeocodeURL("Nether Kellet"), function(data){
					// record the start location and try to start routing
					start = [data[0].lon, data[0].lat];

				// geocode end location
				makeRequest(getGeocodeURL("Oxford Road, Manchester"), function(data){
					// record the end location and try to start routing
					end = [data[0].lon, data[0].lat];

			 * Generate and return a Nominatim geocoding URL for a given placename
			function getGeocodeURL(placename) {
				return ["", placename].join("");

			 * Calculate the route between start and end global variables
			function doRouting() {

				if (start && end){

					//construct a url out of the required options for OpenRouteService
					var url = [

						// these bits are fixed or imported from the start and variables above
						'api_key=','5b3ce3597851110001cf62480feeb9b9c3524fc0bd0c71319089621a',	// this is my API key - students need their own
						'&coordinates=',start[0].toString(),',',start[1].toString(),'%7C', end[0].toString(),',',end[1].toString(),

						// these are the options, a comprehensive list is available at:
						'&profile=', 					'driving-car',
						'&preference=', 			'fastest',
						'&format=', 					'geojson',
						'&units=', 						'km',
						'&geometry_format=', 	'geojson'

					].join("");	//join the array with no delimiter

					// log the url that was constructed

					// send the request to OpenRouteService, set callback
					makeRequest(url, routeToMap);

			 * Make a request for JSON over HTTP, pass resulting text to callback when ready
			function makeRequest(url, callback) {

				//initialise the XMLHttpRequest object
				var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();

				//set an event listener for when the HTTP state changes
				httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {

					//if it works, parse the JSON and pass to the callback
					//a successful HTTP request returns a state of DONE and a status of 200
					if (httpRequest.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && httpRequest.status === 200) {

				//prepare and send the request'GET', url);

			 * Retrieve a GeoJSON route and add it to the map
			function routeToMap(route) {

				// load into L.GeoJson, style and add to the map
				routeLayer = L.geoJson(route, {
					style: {
						weight: 4,
						opacity: 1,
						color: '#e60000',

				// zoom the map to fit

				// add markers to the start and end (remember to flip longitude and latitude!)
				markerStart = L.marker([start[1], start[0]]).addTo(map);
				markerEnd = L.marker([end[1], end[0]]).addTo(map);


				// get info about the route from the dataset
				const duration = route.features[0].properties.summary[0].duration;
				const distance = route.features[0].properties.summary[0].distance;

				// get the description of the route
				const segments = route.features[0].properties.segments;

				// build HTML directions as a table
				let directionsHTML = [
					"<table><th>Directions (",
					", <i>",

				// loop through the description for each segment of the journey
				for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++){

					// loop through each step of the current segment
					for (var j = 0; j < segments[i].steps.length; j++){

						// add a direction to the table
						directionsHTML += [
							"</b> (",
							", <i>",

				// close the table
				directionsHTML += "</table>";

				// load the directions into the div
				document.getElementById('directions').innerHTML = directionsHTML;

			 * Returns a sensible distance string for a given distance in km
			function getDistanceString(distance){

				//is it more than 1km?
				if (distance > 1) {

					//if so, use km
					return distance.toFixed(1) + "km";

				} else {

					// if not, use m
					return Math.ceil(distance * 1000).toFixed(0) + "m";

			 * Returns a sensible duration string for a given duration in seconds
			function getDurationString(duration){

				// hours
				if (duration > 3600) {

					//return hours and minutes
					return Math.floor(duration / 3600).toFixed(0) + " hrs " +
						Math.ceil((duration % 3600) / 60).toFixed(0) + " mins";

				// minutes
				} else if (duration > 60) {

					// minutes only
					return Math.ceil(duration / 60).toFixed(0) + " mins";

				// seconds
				} else {

					// seconds only
					return Math.ceil(duration).toFixed(0) + " secs";

This course has not yet begun.
Course material will appear here week by week as the course progresses.